In my previous blogs I mentioned orthomolecular medicine several times. On various topics related to the treatment of restless legs, it takes an alternative view.
If you read about the orthomolecular view, you will see a number of things. Sometimes it is described as therapy, sometimes as medicine or cure. The practitioner is sometimes called a doctor, sometimes a therapist.
I find it interesting and useful to investigate whether I can provide more clarity about what exactly we are talking about here. What exactly is orthomolecular medicine and how can you better place this view in the whole of treatments and therapies?
Of course I also link to restless legs and to how orthomolecular medicine views this.
What is orthomolecular medicine
Orthomolecular medicine falls under the category of alternative medicine. It is part of naturopathy. You can see this method of treatment as a supplement to regular medicine.
Another name for orthomolecular medicine is nutritional medicine or nutritional medicine.
An orthomolecular doctor is a (regular) doctor who specializes in orthomolecular medicine. An orthomolecular therapist or dietician is someone who has studied orthomolecular medicine through training or privately. The title orthomolecular therapist is not protected.
The emphasis is on healthy food. If there is nevertheless a nutritional deficiency, it may be advised to take a supplement. Orthomolecular medicine also pays attention to sufficient exercise, behavior and relaxation.
Compared to regular medicine, orthomolecular medicine prescribes high doses of nutritional supplements. The idea is that this helps to get and stay healthy, and possibly improve.
The underlying vision of orthomolecular medicine is that with the western diet you get too few vitamins, minerals and other substances. In this treatment method, preference is given, if at all possible, to food and nutritional supplements over regular medicines.
Advice from an orthomolecular doctor or therapist is intended to restore and/or promote the self-healing capacity of the human body. It is based on a connection between body and mind, between physical and mental complaints.
Fellow sufferer
A while ago I read from a fellow sufferer that she had asked for advice from an orthomolecular doctor or therapist. She had become much more troubled by her restless legs since she was going through menopause. Her sleep was so disturbed that something had to be done.
The orthomolecular therapist who advised her first checked whether she had an iron deficiency. That was the case. He then gave her nutritional advice to ensure that she would get more iron. He also prescribed an iron supplement.
I believe this therapist also advised her to take extra magnesium. In any case, she took a foot bath with magnesium flakes every day. I remember because she said she loved it so much.
Her story showed that she benefited greatly from this approach. Her symptoms had decreased substantially. I’m curious how she’s doing now.
My experience with orthomolecular medicine
I myself have taken orthomolecular advice more than once. A friend of mine has studied orthomolecular medicine. I’ve gotten some good tips from her.
The first time was quite a few years ago. At the time I suffered from an irritable bowel. Presumably these complaints came from a diet that I did. Apparently this diet didn’t work out well for my system. At some point, your body will start to complain.
The above friend advised me to take an orthomolecular powder to rebuild my intestinal flora. I don’t remember exactly how long I took this, but the effect was amazingly good. My bowel movements started again! That was a huge relief.
More recently I have experience with taking extra vitamin B12. I’ve been doing this for several years, part of the year. The vitamin supplement comes from a company that specializes in orthomolecular nutritional supplements.
The supplement is in the form of a lozenge. I find that easier to take than a tablet that you have to swallow whole. If it is possible and a bit affordable, I opt for a chewable or lozenge with my extra vitamins and minerals.
Restless legs
With regard to my restless legs, I would also like to ask for sound advice from an orthomolecular doctor or therapist.
What has held me back so far is the cost of both the consultation and the supplements that are prescribed. Orthomolecular advice is not cheap and neither are the nutritional supplements of an ‘orthomolecular brand’.
However, the story I told above about the fellow sufferer encourages me extra to take the step anyway. If finances allow.
Before that, I read a little further on the many websites that can be found on this subject. This also gives me the necessary inspiration about what I can best pay attention to in terms of nutrition and possible nutritional supplements.
Kortgeleden heb ik een healing gehad met een wonderbaarlijk effect. Het rusteloze is uit m’n lijf en bovendien heb ik geen last meer van koude voeten/benen! En ik slaap aanmerkelijk beter.
Bovendien ben ik me aan het inlezen over mindfulness. Al met al heeft dit voor mij zeker een positief effect!!