Masturbation and Restless Legs

A fellow sufferer told me a while ago that he benefited from masturbation for his restless legs.

At first I, like a number of other fellow sufferers, thought that was funny. At the same time I realized that there could be something in this.

When asked, a few fellow sufferers indicated that sex also helped them. Apparently, something happens in your body during sexual activities that has a beneficial effect on your RLS. At least for some.

While masturbation is a topic that may not be discussed openly so easily, I think it’s worth taking a closer look at it here. If you could benefit from it, it would be nice to know about it.

What is masturbation

Masturbation is another word for solo sex or self-gratification.

When you masturbate you stimulate your own genitals for sexual arousal and orgasms. Masturbation can be done by hand, but also with a tool or sex toy.

During masturbation, your body releases certain substances that make you feel more comfortable. These are the neurotransmitters endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin and, yes, dopamine.

You feel more relaxed after masturbation. Masturbation reduces stress.

The body also makes opioids. Masturbation acts like a natural pain reliever that way.

Other benefits include strengthening your immune system and keeping your genitals healthy. In women, masturbation can help reduce menstrual pain.

Restless Genital Syndrome

Looking for more information about masturbation related to restless legs, I came across a website that writes about Restless Genital Syndrome (RGS). I hadn’t heard of this before.

This syndrome occurs only in women and manifests itself in a tingling, itching, burning sensation around the genitals. It is suspected that there is a connection with RLS.

Masturbation (and sex) is not a good idea in this case. It probably worsens the symptoms.

In some cases, the condition may have to do with the withdrawal of serotonin-based antidepressants. RGS is also relatively more common in people with Parkinson’s disease.

The article from 2014 states that it still needs to be investigated whether medicines used for restless legs also help against this condition. I don’t know how it is now.

Restless legs

Around 2011, a case study was published by a research team from a university in Sao Paulo. The case study describes the experiences of a man whose masturbation helped to drastically reduce the symptoms of his restless legs.

The researchers suspected that this has to do with the release of dopamine during masturbation. That sounds plausible, but the case study is only about one person.

On the other hand, I have understood from some fellow sufferers that they also benefit from sexual activities for their RLS.

Personally, I therefore think that masturbation is a good option to keep in mind as a possible means of alleviating your symptoms.

Your RLS probably won’t be cured by this in most cases. However, it does help you relax better and that is beneficial either way.

2 thoughts on “Masturbation and Restless Legs”

  1. Klopt, maar dan begint de ellende. Doordat de ontspanning intreedt, krijg ik meteen een enorme last van mijn benen. Ik heb dit ook als ik melatonine inneem. Iets wat zou moeten helpen om beter in slaap te vallen.


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