Osteoarthritis and RLS have been going together for many years for me. I don’t really know if there are many other people who have this as well.
Rheumatism and restless legs often occur at the same time in someone. I’ve read that several times. Osteoarthritis is also a form of rheumatism, but I believe that especially rheumatoid arthritis is meant.
When you talk about osteoarthritis or another form of rheumatism, you are also talking about inflammation. I wrote an extensive blog about that before.
The website I reviewed in that blog assumes a causal relationship between inflammation and restless legs.
In this blog I take a closer look at osteoarthritis. I discuss what osteoarthritis is and what it means to me. Of course I make the link with restless legs.
What is arthrosis
Osteoarthritis is a chronic, rheumatic disease in which the quality of the cartilage deteriorates. Osteoarthritis can occur in one but also in several joints.
Osteoarthritis affects the bone around the cartilage. Often the muscles around the joint weaken. Tendons get irritated.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis include inflammation, pain, stiffness, and difficulty moving. Inflammation causes heat and redness.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of rheumatism. In the Netherlands 1.5 million people are affected by it.
It is not only the elderly who suffer from this. It also occurs in young people. Women are more likely to have osteoarthritis than men.
Osteoarthritis is common in the hip, knee and fingers. Women often suffer from osteoarthritis in the hands during the menopause.
It is beneficial to ensure sufficient physical activity. Measures to reduce stress also help.
My arthrosis
My symptoms started about when I turned 40. As soon as it was around freezing outside, I got red spots on my fingers.
Often whole pieces of finger became thick and red. The joints hurt and I couldn’t use my hands very well anymore.
You notice at such a moment how much you use your hands. You need them almost everywhere.
When I went to the doctor, the diagnosis was quickly made. She said I had osteoarthritis. I protested that I was still very young for that. However, she said it was more common and certainly not as uncommon as I thought.
Since then, the osteoarthritis plays on me every winter. In fact, it usually starts in mid-autumn and continues until late spring. However, it is most severe at temperatures just above or below zero.
I have always regretted that the GP just sent me home again with my complaints. I would have appreciated some practical advice on how to deal with it.
On my own I have found some things on the internet that I can do. For example, I take a good amount of turmeric with my food every day. Turmeric is a natural anti-inflammatory.
I also pay more attention to rest and relaxation during periods when I had extra trouble. I also make sure that I get enough exercise every day. In my case, it consists of running and yoga.
I spare my hands as much as possible.
Restless legs
Within two years of my doctor’s visit for osteoarthritis, my restless legs started to flare up.
Now I was dealing with a second chronic condition. My restless legs also turned out to be a progressive condition. Over time, my symptoms have worsened.
Research has already been done into what percentage of people with osteoarthritis also suffer from restless legs. The Canadian researcher came to about a quarter of the surveyed.
An explanation for the possible connection between the two disorders is not yet available. This needs to be further investigated.
Artrose in mijn handen en RLS in mijn benen. Beide klachten nogal erger geworden laatste jaren. Ben 53 nu.
Ja ik heb ook Rls en.Artrose
al 23Jaar .Ik heb het ook gelesen dat Reuma en Artrose vaak samen gaan .