Depressed by Restless Legs

RLS is a serious condition. It would make you depressed…

My restless legs have gradually gotten worse since 2016. Not a night goes by that I don’t suffer.

Fortunately I am not depressed. However, I fully understand how difficult it is to struggle through fatigue every day. And I haven’t even mentioned the nights when your legs drive you crazy.

Although some fellow sufferers occasionally talk quite openly about their depression, I also notice that it is a difficult subject for most.

Restless legs in itself is something vague for many people. If psychological complaints are added to this, it is even more complicated to tell those around you about this. Let alone to get understanding.

Wat is depressed

Being depressed is not necessarily the same as a depression.

Depression lasts longer than a few days. To be depressed is more about a shorter dark feeling. Something that overwhelms or creeps up on you every now and then.

A feeling of depression can eventually develop into chronic depression.

When you’re depressed, everything you do is more difficult. It is important to take this feeling seriously and to take extra good care of yourself. Activities such as yoga or relaxation exercises can help. Exercise too.

If a feeling of depression develops into a chronic depression, it sometimes makes sense to take antidepressants. In any case, relaxing activities remain important.


Unfortunately, some anti-depressants are unfavorable for restless legs. They can even cause restless legs.

When you have to deal with both, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish which came first: the depression or the restless legs.

Antidepressants that are unfavorable for RLS fall under the so-called SSRIs. That abbreviation stands for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Such a drug regulates your serotonin balance.

Not everyone who takes an SSRI will automatically suffer from restless legs. The chance is just greater.

For example, I know someone who has been taking seroxat for years. Luckily this person doesn’t have RLS.

There are other types of antidepressants that do not have restless legs as a side effect. Consult with your doctor.


Personally, I have not chosen the medical route to tackle my restless legs.

Anyway, I usually choose to try and learn to deal with something when something happens that I can’t reasonably change.

I was born with a strong optimism. This makes a big difference to how I look at things that happen to me.

I also have a talent for adding structure. However I feel. My structure is always there to shape my day.

I do what I know and feel is right for me. I live regularly, eat healthy, exercise every day and take care of enough relaxation.


I wrote before that poor sleep is a disaster. And I don’t think that’s an exaggeration.

Your whole life is influenced by the quality of your sleep. With a sleep disorder such as restless legs, you will never be able to function like someone who does not suffer from this.

However, I am convinced that there is a lot you can do not to make your situation worse than necessary.

For me this means that I live calmly and with attention. I am always attentive to my health and well-being.

If I don’t do that, I know that sooner or later I will suffer the consequences. Mentally and/or physically.

Self-care is therefore essential. In the end, I think this is more beneficial than any pill.

1 thought on “Depressed by Restless Legs”

  1. Besten allen , bij mij begon het op 16 jarige leeftijd ,ik kan mijn nog goed herinneren dat ik in de bioscoop zat waar je nauwelijks je benen kon strekken . Toen begon dat onrustig gevoel bij mij ,ik ben toen opgestaan en naar buiten gaan. Nu ben ik 74 jaar en is het met het ouder worden steeds erger geworden. Het is een vreselijke ziekte waardoor je snachts tot smorgens 10 of 11 uur er last van hebt. Je tolt van de slaap maar het is onmogelijk om te gaan liggen.
    Als ik in mijn werkzame leven het zo erg had kon ik daar mee niet meer werken . Ik hoop al jaren op een medicijn of iets dergelijks,maar tot heden is er niets gevonden. Waarschijnlijk komt dit door de te weinig aandacht van de medisch .
    Ik hoop op nuttige reactie van andere lotgenoten. Gr R.Tersteege


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