Restless Legs and Sleep Problems

I received a message from my health insurance that I can use a number of online courses for free for a month. One of them is about sleeping problems. I have already studied sleep therapy before. Such therapy consists of, among other things, gaining insight into what happens mentally and emotionally when you cannot sleep, … Read more

Restless Legs and Obesity

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a fellow sufferer. He said that he was 20 kilos overweight and that he suffered a lot from restless legs. He wanted to go on a diet and asked me to send him a comprehensive list of gluten-free foods. His request was preceded by the question whether a particular … Read more

Restless Legs and Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is often associated with sleeping problems. One of those potential sleep problems is restless legs. I personally wouldn’t immediately think of Alzheimer’s disease when I think of RLS. However, I read that this combination is not uncommon. That made me curious, of course. In this blog I discuss what Alzheimer’s is. I then … Read more

Restless Legs and Insomnia

Restless legs are in the top 5 of most common sleep disorders. Insomnia is number 1 in this list. If you are a little unlucky, you will suffer from both. There are more sleep disorders that can occur in one person at the same time. For example, I know that there are fellow sufferers who … Read more

Sleep Therapy for Restless Legs

Someone I know well was offered sleep therapy through his neurologist. After a sleep study, he was diagnosed with PLMD (Periodic Limb Movement Disorder). Many people with restless legs also suffer from Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. RLS and PLMD are sometimes confused. However, they are two different conditions. My friend’s sleep therapy consists of an … Read more

Do you have both Sleep Apnea and RLS?

A fellow sufferer said that she had regularly read that people with restless legs also suffer from sleep apnea. Or actually the other way around: people with sleep apnea often also have RLS complaints. The fellow sufferer herself, apart from restless legs, also had to deal with sleep apnea. She read the messages on a … Read more

Weighted Blankets for RLS

I have had a weighted blanket at home for at least a month. The gray bag with contents is in the other room. There is now a small layer of dust on it. The weighted blanket is not mine. I can borrow it for a while. It could help my restless legs. However, I notice … Read more