Restless Legs and Smoking

Smoking is unhealthy. However, it also appears to be unfavorable for restless legs. I think it is unclear to many people why smoking is a disadvantage when you are dealing with RLS. I hope to shed some light on that. In this blog I will first discuss the general adverse effects of smoking. Then I … Read more

Restless Legs and Sleep Problems

I received a message from my health insurance that I can use a number of online courses for free for a month. One of them is about sleeping problems. I have already studied sleep therapy before. Such therapy consists of, among other things, gaining insight into what happens mentally and emotionally when you cannot sleep, … Read more

Restless Legs and Obesity

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a fellow sufferer. He said that he was 20 kilos overweight and that he suffered a lot from restless legs. He wanted to go on a diet and asked me to send him a comprehensive list of gluten-free foods. His request was preceded by the question whether a particular … Read more

Restless Legs When You Sit

My father recently told me that lately he regularly suffers from restless legs while sitting. Not so much during the day, but especially in the evening when he is watching television with my mother. He can hardly keep his legs still. There is no longer any real enjoyment of the program he was watching. I … Read more

Is Cycling Good for Restless Legs?

A while ago, a fellow sufferer told that she got such pain in her legs when she went cycling. She was really in pain. I immediately thought that was a strange story. In itself, it may of course be the case that your body cannot tolerate cycling. However, I suspect that the cause does not … Read more

Is Chocolate Bad for Restless Legs?

Chocolate is one of the foods you should not take if you suffer from restless legs. Chocolate could be a trigger for RLS. There is a standard list that you can find for all kinds of diseases and disorders as potentially unfavorable. Apart from chocolate, coffee, alcohol and smoking are also always mentioned. I once … Read more

Walking and Restless Legs

Walking is a good activity if you are dealing with restless legs. As long as you keep moving, you won’t be bothered. Hiking is also possible for many people. You don’t have to be extremely sporty for it. I have always been an athlete myself. I like to exercise for at least an hour of … Read more

Tired Because Of Restless Legs

If you suffer from restless legs, you are undoubtedly also dealing with fatigue. That is a simple observation. Fatigue has major consequences for many parts of your life. For example, you can no longer just do everything you feel like. You will have to be careful with your energy. I speak from experience. It is … Read more

Restless Legs and Alcohol

I sometimes hear from fellow sufferers that alcohol is a trigger for restless legs for them. I can’t really comment on this because I don’t drink. When you look at what triggers are in diseases and disorders, alcohol is often one of them. Other ‘frequent offenders’ are, for example, smoking, coffee, sugar and chocolate. Apparently … Read more